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How can you make learning easy and effective?


Contrary to popular opinion, when looking to advance your learning, textbooks and lectures are usually not the best option for most students. Whether you are taking a regular class or studying for SAT exams, you can greatly increase your productivity by following a study schedule designed to complement your particular learning style.



1. Know yourself.

First, learn about your own routines. You should know how long it will take to rest for a day, how long it takes to learn, how long it takes to play, and how long it takes to sleep.

For example, I sleep about eight hours a day, and set aside six or seven hours of study, then one or two hours to check up on mobile phone updates, eat and so on. The time I set to study for a day is up to five to six hours. If there are a lot of things during that time, I might cut back on my sleep and play time. Knowing your own self, gives the benefits to understand your habits and make it easier to plan your time.

It’s very important at the beginning to know yourself and help you know how to adjust your time.

1.了解你自己 首先,了解你自己的作息习惯。了解自己一天大概多久时间用在休息,多久时间用在学习,多久时间用在玩乐,多久时间用在睡觉。比如说,我一天睡大概八个小时,学习大概六七个小时,其中大概还有一两个小时需要刷手机,吃饭等等。还有不排除玩乐休息等公交外出的时间。所以算下来一天学习的时间最多是五到六个小时。如果那段时间的事情特别多,我或许会缩减自己睡眠和玩乐的时间。了解你自己的好处是了解自己的生活习惯,能更方便的更好的安排时间。

2. Make full use of the debris time

During the day, we must have a lot of fragmentation time: such as, walking, waiting for a bus, these pieces of time that seem to be nothing to do but it still can be very useful.

Generally, I will use these times to conceive how to write an essay, review what the teacher said in a day on the mobile phone, check the relevant information, or check the mail and so on. In this way, the time for additional ideas or the time for review is saved.

This way of learning can save you time. While I am waiting for the bus or walking, I will finish these things. When I get home, I don't have to conceive a paper or review what the teacher has said. I can start writing homework and writing a thesis directly.

2. 充分利用碎片时间

在一天当中,我们肯定有很多碎片时间:例如走路的时候, 坐公交车的时候,这些看起来干不了什么的零碎时间,其实是非常有用的。通常来说,我会利用这些时间去构思如何写一篇essay, 在手机上复习老师一天讲过的东西,查一查相关的资料,或者查一下邮件之类。这样下来,就省去了额外构思的时间或者复习的时间。这样的学习方法能够节省你的时间。当我在等公交,走路的时候把这些事情都做完,回到家就不必再构思论文或者复习老师讲过的东西,可以直接开始写作业和写论文

3. Be prepared.

If you are taking a class online or at a school, study the curriculum in advance so you know what to expect. Engage in necessary prep work such as downloading software, getting a workbook, or setting aside the dates of the course.

If you study the content by yourself first, you will be learning the contents second time in the class, which will help you more on understanding the content



4. Take good notes.

If you are unable to multi-task such as, listening and writing at the same time, just listen and then write notes after the class is over.

If it’s recorded, you can always review the class sessions. You can also ask the teacher for his outline, summary or notes. Review your last class notes before your next class. You can take notes to a whole new level if considering creating diagrams or even mind maps.

4. 记完善的笔记。




5.Ask Questions.

If you are taking a course online or in a school, make sure to jot down questions as they come up and ask them when you have the opportunity.

I always believed there are no dumb or silly questions. If you need clarification, it is hard to continue learning until you have your questions answered. Most instructors see questions as a sign of an alert, and an intelligent mind.


        爱因斯坦曾经说过“ 提出一个问题往往比解决一个问题更重要。因为解决问题也许仅是一个数学上或实验上的技能而已,而提出新的问题,却需要有创造性的想象力,而且标志着科学的真正进步。”




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