25 Jun 2019
The US government recently confirmed its long-standing policy that Form I-20s may only be released directly to the applying student.
One implication of this is that the I-20 may not be sent to an education agent acting on the student’s behalf
US immigration officials say that this policy is in place for reasons of privacy, security, and fraud prevention.
US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) released a policy statement on 4 June 2019 to clarify that US institutions may only issue Form I-20s directly to students, or, in the case of minors, to the student’s parent or guardian. More to the point, ICE cautions that I-20s cannot be sent to recruiters – that is, to education agents.
美国移民和海关执法局(ICE)于2019年6月4日发布了一份政策声明,阐明美国机构只能直接向学生发放I-20表格,如果是未成年人,则只发给学生的父母或监护人。更重要的是,ICE警告说,I-20不能发送给招聘人员 - 也就是教育机构。
The Form I-20 is issued by the admitting institution or school in the US, and must be presented by the international student when he/she applies for a US study visa. Without the I-20, in other words, the student cannot obtain a visa.
As reported by ICE, the 4 June guidance statement arises from recent questions as to “whether recruiters may receive the Form I-20 directly from a school’s designated school official (DSO) and control the distribution to the prospective student.” ICE’s position on this is clear, and the 4 June statement is apparently meant to reinforce long-standing US government policy in this regard. The department points out that the practice of sending I-20s directly to the student is consistently reflected in the manuals, fact sheets, and other information resources it has produced in support of the US Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP).
“These resources,” notes the ICE statement, “state that recruiters cannot be given Forms I-20.” citing one background note for students that says, “A recruiter has no proper role in handling your Form I-20. A recruiter does not issue a Form I-20, nor should the recruiter hold onto your Form I-20 for any reason.”
On that point, US immigration authorities say that the policy is in place for reasons of privacy, security, and fraud prevention. The statement notes in particular that SEVP officials are “aware of instances where recruiters, having obtained a student’s Form I-20, subsequently demanded additional payments before providing it back to the student in advance of a meeting with the consulate for a visa or traveling to the United States.” There is no additional detail provided for this claim, however, nor any indication as to how widespread ICE believes any such issues may be.
Visa processing in the US remains an area of significant concern for international students aspiring to study in the United States, as well as for the American institutions and schools that aim to host them. A recent survey of US colleges found that concerns around visa delays or denials topped the list of factors that, in the eyes of educators, had the greatest influence on the attractiveness of the US as a study destination.
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