1.Listen and participate in class
Weather, vacation, ice creams… Everything seems to be perfect, it is easy to be off topic during class. However, you must pay attention to your curriculum because this is the basic step of improve your grades. According to research, tutors is a key factor in student retention, whether retention is taken to refer to student completion of a single course or student persistence through a long period of study. Here, our professional tutoring team make sure every student is focused on his or her study.
2. Motivation
If you are not satisfied with your grades, try self-motivation instead. Core secret ofimproving grades are keeping students engaged and motivated. Believe in yourself and encourage yourself to stay focused on your work. Pick a goal or series of goals and use that as your motivation. Here in Advancity Education, our teacher are hired expert in engaging students in their learning, you will never feel bored here!
如果你对自己不满意,试着自我激励。提高成绩的核心秘诀是保持良好的心态和的积极性。相信自己,鼓励自己专注于学习。给自己定一个小目标(先拿个GPA 3.0),并以此作为你的动力。在优成教育,我们的老师经验丰富,让学生专注学习,且永远不会感到无聊!
3.Take thorough notes during class
Even though teachers in elementary schools tell students to take notes, many studentsstill have no idea how to do it, or how to take thorough notes. In Advancity Education, will ensure that you do not miss any important information. Note taking is an important skill in all classes that can translate to better grades as well.
3. 好好做笔记
4.Ask for help whenever you have one
If you are experiencing problems with any topics, you can always ask our teacher or your study friends for help during class or after the class. Remember, no question should you have during to your exams!!!
4. 好好问问题
5.Stay focused during your homework
Find a quiet working place and a professional tutor to handle your homework in a distraction-free zone. Put your phone aside or at least mute all notification sounds so you are not distracted. Studying yourself or with friends are not as efficient as study with a experienced tutor because you always want to look at your phone without supervor. You can always ask our teachers to help with your homework.
5. 好好做作业
6.Take a 15-minute break after each 45 minutes of studying
Walk around your house. get some fresh air, think of how to get better grades, or get a snack to fuel your brain. You can also reward yourself for each 45 minutes of productive work by doing something that you enjoy. Besides, breaking up the monotony of studying will help you focus.
6. 好好休息
7.Keep your working space organized
Use one notebook per class and do not let your desk become cluttered with papers and stationery. Try to clean up your desk regularly. You can also use laptops to take notes, but make sure you don`t install games.
7. 好好整理
8.Use a planner to organize your time
It can be either a paper planner or a mobile app. However, paper planner will not notify you when something important coming up, and phone apps sometimes annoying. In Advancity Education, we will write down all important due dates, dates and time of classes, and extracurricular activities for you and remind you via whatever method you want!
8. 好好安排事情
9. Develop a study schedule
If you are preparing for a test or writing a assignment, it would be wise to break down your work into small steps and schedule your work to a specific time periods. If you have any problem with your assignment, come to us! To avoid stress, do not procrastinate and wait until the last night before the test. Remember, we are always here to help!
9. 好好定计划
如果你正在准备考试或写作业,把你的工作分成几个小步骤,并把你的工作安排在一个特定的时间段。如果你对你的作业有任何问题,来找我们吧~我们随时在的! 为了避免压力,任何问题不要拖延,等到考试前的最后一晚。记住,我们一直都在!
10.Take care of your health
Make sure that your meals are nutritious, balanced, and varied, because your brain needs fuel to be productive. Never miss breakfast before class. Buy less junk food if you feel lazy, those food are not powerful for your work.
10. 好好吃饭
11.Sleep well
Establishing a regular sleep routine is crucial when it comes to studying and learning how to get good grades in school. Try to wake up and go to bed at the same times and get at least 8 hours of sleep each night. Your brain needs to have a rest. During summer, whenever you feel sleepy, just go to sleep because that will actually helps your study.
11. 好好睡觉